Thursday, July 9, 2015

2015 London Day 2

London Day 2
Today we are doing the Hop on Hop off tour. A few people went on the London Eye…. The big Ferris wheel  that goes around and you can see all of London.   Today the weather was not the best … as it was cool and a few sprinkes off and on for most of the day.  We stayed on the bus listening to the live English speaking guide, until reaching the Tower of London.  Most of us got off the tour and went to the tower of London.

The rest of  the afternoon everyone was on free time… that meant that the individual girls needed to be in groups of 4 or more… but it was not a problem and most of them went with a mom or a dad to explore London and to do shopping.

We met at the hotel at 4pm to go to practice and scrimmage the local teams.  Due to the TUBE strike... there were many more people on the bus and it took twice as long to get the the train to go to the gym.... We arrived to the gym about an hour late.... The U14 team was scheduled to play during that hour we were late.. and the host team had to go home... The U14 team practiced in the little gym while the U18, 16 and 15 teams played
Curfew was 11:30pm and we had no problems
Tomorrow is Changing of the Guard and games at night.

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